Did you know that cats are considered pets for more than 3000 years? Already in the Egyptian civilization they were highly valued as pets and can even be represented in their artistic manifestations.


Cats are very autonomous animals, as it happens with the rest of felines. Their bond with their owners of the house is based on a kind of mutual respect pact. They have a particular character and different from other pets. Although you cannot generalize because everyone has their own personality, there are common features that characterize them. They tend to be independent, curious and careful with the cleanliness of their environment. They are curious, especially they like the high places to watch and feel protected. If they have a window, they can spend looking at it for a long time.


Cats, like dogs, have very complex communication systems. Within its own species, communication is based on body postures, sounds and smells that mark the territory or the members of the same herd. Cats have also developed other mechanisms to relate to the human species. Meows are the most effective way to get the attention of humans, for example they use vocalizations to communicate with us and in rare cases to communicate with other cats.


Another important activity in their daily life is taking a bath and staying clean. They do not like to remain with dirty legs or careless fur, so it is difficult to get the house dirty with footprints. Of course, there is a frequent change of fur and hairs can be annoying if they remain attached to clothing and furniture. Also, they do not like that their environment is dirty, if their sand tray is not clean enough they may look for alternative places to relieve themselves.


Cats have a positive impact on mental health, something that owners of cats do not catch by surprise, because they know that caressing them can be very therapeutic and helps relax daily tensions. This is reflected in a survey of 600 people by the English organization Cats Protection, in which 87% of cat owners declared that their pets have a positive impact on their welfare.


Many specialists recommend to people who live alone the company of a cat. In addition to the positive aspects in mental health offered by the small felines that are fundamental in cat therapy, cats do not require great care, compared to, for example, dogs. Living with a cat also helps us understand ourselves better and accept ourselves as we are: cats do not judge us, they do not differentiate between handsome and ugly or rich and poor; they only receive love and return it in their own way, in a completely natural and without artifice.

It is also shown that people who live with them reduce their stress level and blood pressure, factors that are closely related to heart disease. Recent studies suggest that people with cats have a lower risk of death from heart attacks, including stroke. 



Cats are capable of emitting a peculiar sound that we know as purr. The mechanism that produces it is not very clear but according to the US veterinarian W.R. McCuistion it involves the flow of air and blood from the thorax. Felines use this sound as part of their communication between their own species or with humans. The purrs are common between the mother and her offspring. Traditionally it has been thought that purring was an expression of well-being, but the truth is that it often occurs in stressful and painful situations such as a visit to the veterinarian or in a post-op. It is thought that the meaning of purring could be a demand for care and attention.


Cats are animals with little activity for long periods, they spend most of the day sleeping or resting. This can be an advantage if for work or complicated schedules you are many hours away from home. Also, they do not need walks or an excessively large space to move around. Keep in mind that with the penumbra, that is to say, at dawn and dusk the cats have their maximum activity, it is in these hours when the cat will want to play and will demand more attention. If you are going to stay several hours alone, especially if it is in which your activity increases, it would be advisable that your cat had entertainment. They can be toys, interactive games or a playmate. Some behavioral problems are solved if there are two cats in the house instead of one.


Cats can be wildly loving animals, seek our caresses and decide that the perfect place to take a nap is our lap, but they seem to regulate the moods of their human companion. They are one of the most empathetic animals, that is, when there are visits or the owner Is with another activity they are able to disappear or return to their own tasks and when the human demands more affection, for example with an illness, the cat does not move on your side.


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